Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Decorating Tips

Great Ideas for a Rest and Recreation Activities


As the world grew more and more taxing and tiresome all employees need the time to rest and recharge from all the toxicity, drama, and stress of work life. Though many have their rest days, it still doesn’t count as resting as many still do some of the work while staying and resting at home, thus we cannot fully recuperate from the tiredness and we go back to work with the same dreaded feeling of not being enough and depleted.

Hence the importance of the R&R, also known as Rest and Recreation, where managers invite employees to a day or two of doing no work but instead treat their employees to a fun-filled day of activities to rest and recharge. Here are some great ideas for off-site recreational activities.

Mountain Trekking

Smaller companies need not spend too much on costly hotels and other facilities. One great idea is to welcome everyone to a day of mountain trekking. This is a very great activity because there is lesser cost and also the employees will just have to bring their own supplies with them. Of course the downside of this is not everyone is physically adept or ready to do it. Nevertheless this is still a great activity for small companies to do.

Relaxing Facilities

The company can also invite the employees to a day of relaxation with massage and spa. If they have a significant number of employees they can take turns and each batch will have their own full day of relaxation in a facility with fully paid amenities such as a pool & spa with massage and other perks. This is a great way to help employees cope with stress and a great way to help them remove the toxicity in their systems.

Farm Visitation

To create new exciting experience is one way to recharge and energize a person, thus many companies in urban areas has been doing recreational activities for their employees at model farms. Here employees can have a firsthand experience in milking cows, harvesting chicken eggs, and all other farm related activities. This is a great way to lessen the stress that comes from living and working in a highly urbanized city. Farm visits also creates new fresh vistas for employees that are feeling trapped in the walls of their offices at work.


Another great way to commune with nature in such activity is to go camping with the whole company. with this activity the company would have to prepared everything from the campsite to the equipments that are need for the activity which requires a lot of preparation but then again the activity is really worth the prep because employees can bond and become more relaxed when they are detached from their work and city life. Camping is also a great way of doing group facilitation with the employees.

It is greatly suggested that companies should adopt such time for recreational activities with their employees. As much as it builds bond and lessens the stress for many of the employees it also builds loyalty with the employee themselves towards their company.

Georgiana Lake
the authorGeorgiana Lake